
New – Bracelet Collection

Hand Bag

Hand Bag with beadings


Jubah with embroidery and beading around neck and body. New design exclusively selected item for sale at a very cheap price.

Blouse (Baju Kurung Pattern)

Only top with beading around neck. This top can wear particularly with pants and looks fab. Color available only white and orange

Baju Kurung

The baju kurung are exclusively selected from the designer boutique.  Most are from silk chiffon and opal types of fabric. The design of the beading absolutely gorgeous. Try wear it and you definitely looks extremely fab 🙂

Baju Kurung Jubah Accessories

Welcome to Min Zhi Fashion House. My new busana collection of baju kurung, jubah and accessories for sale. All items are limited to one piece per design. If interested email me at or call 012-2052916